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"Chi-raq" A Spike Lee Joint (It Is What It Is)

Most of Chicago appears to be up in arms over the name chosen by Spike Lee for his latest movie about the violence on our streets. I say you have to call a spade, a spade. And if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck..well you get the picture. Why are we mad at Spike Lee? He is only making a film depicting what is currently going on. He is not the cause. He is not the enemy. Why are we not up in arms at our Mayor who day in and day out hears and knows about the violence plaguing the streets on the south side of his city-that he is in charge of and he- day in and day out, night in and night out, week after week -remains silent. He doesnt step to the podium to address the problem, to suggest solutions- nothing. Instead of being embarrassed about the more than truthful title that Spike Lee has chosen, we should be upset that it took a man coming all the way from New York to shed light on and bring attention to a problem that our Mayor chooses to ignore. What an embarrassment for the great city of Chicago to make headlines in other states while our Mayor, who has closed record numbers of schools, record numbers of mental health clinics, who always seems to have funds to beautify certain parts of town and create more parks and bikes and walking trails has failed a huge part of this city's popluation. I say the title is irrelevant, what is most horrific is the lives being lost and the trauma and stress that it places on an already underfunded and underrepresented community. The mayor has basically left certain parts of the city to fend for itself and is more concerned about tourism, than protecting and looking out for the people who he in suposed to be looking out for- the people who pay his salary.

So if Spike Lee wants to call Chicago "Chiraq," let him. He is only responding to what he knows and sees. He didnt close the schools, he didnt vow to take care of all citizens in this city. This duty goes to the mayor that was elected. The mayor who was on 95th street during election time, to get the vote of the people and has not set foot south since. He is the one who has let the city down. How much more can we take? How many more 8 year olds and 14 year olds and 20 year olds have to lose their lives before somebody comes to our aid? No, it may not be as violent as Iraq actually is, but you can't tell me that the people living here aren't just as frighented for themselves and their loved ones. So let's support Spike Lee. He has never done us wrong before. Lets give him a chance, as the only person who has come forth to at least attempt to show the world what the mayor of the city chooses to ignore. "Chi-raq" will be in theaters this December.

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