Superwoman: Serena

Over the years we have witnessed Serena William's greatness on the court. The stamina, perseverance and tenaciousness that she displays, keeps us all in amazement. When it looks like she may fold, she does not. When they said she was done, she was not. When she dropped from number one, they said she would not reclaim this spot, she did. From Wimbledon to the Australian Open, from The French to the US Open, Serena and Venus have sparked a generation of young girls to aspire to greatness in th sport of tennis. Starting in the inner city and now standing tall as she rules the tennis world, Serena is truly the Queen of the throne. We watched on Saturday mornings as she dominated the courts, with record breaking serves that opponents had no chance of returning. We watched her fashionably, stylishly and unquestionably own the tennis world. We gawk at her with the wonder of children as she makes it look effortless. We see the fear in the eyes of the unfortunate opponent on the opposite side of the net. Serena grunts and she hurls back hands, grunts as she smashes aces, grunts as she sends those on the other side of the net scrambling to keep up, while using the entire court to make the opponent look ridiculous - as they lunge for balls they can not reach.
Serena Williams single handedly rescued, revived and restored tennis in this country- and she did it all with villains coming at her from every direction and with every weapon imaginable. They attacked her looks- she is absolutely beautiful. They attacked her body-she is simply strong. They attacked her level of commitment-she is ranked number one. And just like evey villain in every fictional story we read, they now must slink back into the darkness with their proverbial tales between their legs, as she basks in all of her much deserved glory. Now, if that’s not the true definition of a Superhero, I do not know what is.