Kanye West ft. Kendrick Lamar "No More Parties In L.A."

Kanye West and Kendrick Lamar have teamed up for their first collaboration in “No More Parties in LA.” Together, they take turns making fun of rich people problems and all the hype of living a fake celebrity lifestyle. This one, that reportedly was written in a hurry on a plane, flaunts both rappers’ lyrical skills. Some have even mentioned it has an early 90s vibe and feels like Kanye of old..and he actually addresses that with the verse…."I know some fans who thought I wouldn’t rap like this again, but the writer’s block is over, emcees cancel your plans”. This joint effort is hot and we knew it was coming, ever since Kendrick was given credit for having helped write Kanye’s “All Day.” This one is not a club banger, nor is it meant to be. It’s good old laid back music with great bars..like rap is supposed to be.
"For all my niggas with babies by bitches
That use their kids as meal tickets
Not knowing the disconnect from the father
The next generation will be the real victims"
"No more parties in L.A.
Please, baby no more parties in L.A."