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Flint Michigan, The Oscars, Police Shootings; Why Can't We Address Them All At Once?

Of all the people who are upset over Jada speaking out about the Oscars, an overwhelming number of comments say “we have more important issues to address.” But my feeling is that we are addressing one main theme “at the same damn time”, racism.

The problems with the water in Flint, Michigan that is taking place in a city that is predominantly black, the problem with white officers being trigger happy with young black boys and the problem of the Oscars blatantly refusing to acknowledge Black actors’ contributions to the movie industry all have the same root problem. A disregard for, disrespect of and disassociation with Black America by White America- and furthermore, a refusal to change.

To say that she can not talk about this now is like telling a mother or father, that they can’t help their children with homework, while dinner is in the oven, while there is a load of clothes in the washer. We as black people, are capable of handling more than one issue at a time, trust me we are. If you really want to get technical, how come there are so few black coaches (and assistant coaches) in the NFL even with the Rooney Rule that says teams must interview minorities for jobs? Why do minorities make up almost half of the prison population, but reside in only 13% of the country?

With so many issues to address, and we know there are plenty, why not put them all on the table and make those responsible uncomfortable and held accountable,

Grant it, we could have a “black oscars” but why should we have to? This is an award given to the best actors/actresses, period. I’m sure of all the nominations, there were a few of us who deserved a nod. But because those in power feel there will never be backlash, and no one will ever get fed up or take a stand, they can continue to do what they want- make you feel unimportant, even if you are deserving. So let’s stop jumping down the throat of those who choose to say “no more” and stop coming up with excuses about why “it’s a bad time” or “other more important issues.” The time is always NOW and ALL issues are important. Because the one thing they all have in common, pure unadulterated racism, rears its ugly head in every facet of life- from drinking water to promotions, from awards to police shootings, from turning a blind eye during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to a Mayor doing nothing about gun violence because it doesn’t affect him. For once, we should keep our opinions to ourselves and jump on board any train that is leading to greater good. We must see the bigger picture and understand our power. For those that may disagree with what Jada said or how she said it, we must agree on one thing- that racism, racist and the ugly people who perpetuate it, must be made powerless.



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