Stacey Dash- Still "Clueless"

Actress, Stacey Dash who co-starred in the 90’s movie Clueless, gave a critical opinion about Spike Lee and Jade Smith's stance on the Oscars. They will boycott this year’s Oscars by not attending because no black actors or actresses were nominated. The Oscars demographics of the Academy are primarily older white males. Stacey Dash said to FOXs host Steve Doocey “We have to make up our minds. Either we want to have segregation or integration, and if we don’t want segregation, then we have to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards and the Image Awards, where you’re only awarded if you’re black." She continued. “If it were the other way around, we’d be up in arms. It’s a double standard. There shouldn’t be a Black History Month. We’re Americans, period.”
I do agree with her when she said “We’re Americans.” The question is why do people of color get questioned if they are "Americans?" Why isn't Black history being taught in school? The list of questions about diversity goes on and on. If White America respects and love Blacks as much as they respect and love Black culture— Music (Rap, Hip- Hop, R&B), slang (Ebonics) language, swag, etc. then we wouldn’t need BET or Black History Month. If colored people which include Asian Pacific Islanders, Blacks, Latinos, etc. had the opportunity to learn about their cultures outside of their homes- such as schools, TV shows and books then we wouldn’t have to have Black History, Hispanic History month, affinity groups in Corporate America or TV channels that represented each culture. As a black woman, Stacey Dash should know the feeling of being an outcast because she is Black and because she is a woman. That is the main reason she made an ignorant comment on one of the most racist channels, to make herself relevant again. If Dash didn’t have the same mindset that she had in Clueless, then maybe she would have starred in more current popular films. Stop being clueless and get with the program.