Earth Wind & Fire's Album Covers: A Tribute to Black History

Our parents put us on to Earth Wind and Fire at a very early age. We all remember the 21st night of “September,” that we are a “Shining Star” no matter who were are and the “Reasons” why we need “Devotion.”
A child is born with a heart of gold,“The Way of the World,” makes his heart grow cold. But you “Can’t Hide Love” girl I betcha. We were invited to come and see victory in a land called “Fantasy.”
I recall seeing all these men colorfully dressed on stage with their bright costumes and many instruments. What a vision and what a sound-there is no other band like Earth Wind and Fire. But what I think is even more ingrained in my mind is all of their unforgettable and always memorable, vivid. bright and enlightening album covers. Each one spread with astrological signs, spiritual symbols-including Afrikan Kemeitic and of course the three elements of earth, wind and fire.
As we celebrate Black History Month remembering a man who truly composed a band unlike any other, "Would You Mind" if we could solute Maurice White and the men with him by sharing some their absolutely glorious album covers? As we reflect on his pure talent, we encourage all to not be saddened by his passing, but appreciate that we were blessed to hear such unique compilations and unmatched creativity.