21 Savage Loves The Kids

When artist use their platform to bring exposure to world issues, we applaud them. However, there are not a lot of artist who can actually relate to the issue.
This past Thursday, 21 Savage was honored by the National Immigration Law Center for advocating immigrant justice. He feels that children who live illegally in America should automatically become citizens. 21, born in the U.K., says he was one of the lucky ones who did not suffer from deportation. However, he did spend 10 days in an U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention center due to his expired visa as part of a sting operation in Atlanta.
“When you’re a child, you don’t know what’s going on,” he says. “Now, you grow up and got to figure it out. Can’t get a job. Can’t get a license. I’m one of the lucky ones who became successful. It’s a lot of people who can’t.”
She’yaa Bin Abraham-Joseph, aka 21 Savage, feels that people in his shoes should have the privilege of immediate citizenship.
“They just lose hope. I feel like kids who were brought here at young ages, they should automatically be like ‘Yeah, you good to stay here, work and go to college.’ It should be nipped in the bud before it gets to a point before you come of age," he says.
Although 21's own immigrant status is up in the air, he will not stop fighting for others. He continues to speak in a positive light and feels that it is our duty to fight for those who are unable to fight for themselves.