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Cardi E

Every year, Ellen's costume for her Halloween special is something that people look forward to. Last year, Ellen dressed up as a Kardashian. This year, she decided to dress up as Cardi E aka Cardi B.

"My costume this year is a tribute to Cardi B's character in the movie Hustlers. I can't be Cardi B. I'm Cardi E. E is for Ellen. It's also my bra size. This outfit has a whole lot going on from every angle, I don't know if you can tell," Ellen says.

"Every year they try to make it sexier than the year before, I'll know it's time to stop doing the show when they send me out in two coasters and a dinner napkin," she says.

Later in the interview, Cardi discloses that she will be dressing up as Moana this year with her daughter.

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