Sorry Kids, We Ate All Your Candy
Every year, Jimmy Kimmel has a "Halloween Candy YouTube Challenge" featuring parents that tell their kids that they've eaten all their candy from trick-or-treating. This year marks the ninth year of the challenge.

"I wanna say something to those out there who think I do this because I enjoy being mean to kids. That is not true. I love kids. Not only do I love kids, I have written and illustrated a new children's book called The Serious Goose. Now, this is not a joke. It comes out Dec. 3. It's available for pre-order now and all the money I make from it goes to children's hospitals here in LA and around the United States . . . Remember that for the next five minutes as we endure the tears of disappointed children," Kimmel says while introducing the video.
Kimmel ends his show by thanking all of the parents that took their videos horizontally.
Stay tuned for their 10th year in 2020!