Won't He Do It? Yes He "Will"

Will Power released his sophomoric project on December 12 titled, “30:3.” This follows his freshman work, “Courage.” Will’s “30:3” title comes from the bible scripture in Deuteronomy, “Then the Lord your God will restore your fortunes and have compassion on you and gather you again from all the nations where he scattered you.” The cover art shows Will as half man, half beast. One’s interpretation of the cover would say that Will is always hungry and always in beast mode. Another’s interpretation of the cover would say it’s his evolution. However he intended it to be, the cover alone draws you in, makes you wonder, and is a great conversation piece. The mixtape consists of 13 tracks and features multi talented artists such as Tokyo Jetz, King Troup, and Chilly Chills. Will’s new video for his single “Life Lessons” features Chilly Chill.
The name of his video single “Life Lessons” says it all. If you pay attention to the record, the correlation between Will’s lyrics and what a lot of people experience in their daily lives run deep. He’s speaking on battling inner demons, going to war not only with himself, but the outside world. He’s learning to lean on his prayers, faith, and belief in a higher power for strength, balance, and insight.
The new mixtape will have listeners captivated with every track. This is a solidified “non skip” playlist. There’s no telling what else Will Power has in store for future endeavors so it behooves you to keep up with him on IG @cantcountmeout. Also, download “30:3” here and watch his new video “Life Lessons.”