A Vibe Where the Carolina's Meet ATL- Ju$$ Wave Ft. Waka Flocka- "Stains" (Official Vi
The fans asked for it, so Ju$$ Wave dropped it. "Stains" is Wave single off his most recent mixtape "Stayin Down". This animated visual...

2C Gump Ft. Gunna "Feel Us" Official Video
South Carolina has birthed a new star! Hip hop artist 2C Gump has been in the music game for a little over three years now and he shows...

2CGump "TRVP" Single
South Carolina artist 2C Gump is not letting up. Coming from a city that has been overlooked for their talent 2C Gump is back to remind...

Juss Wave "Juss Wave" Video
#SouthCarolina #JussWave #MumbleRap

Renni Rucci "Fuck Em Up Sis" Video
#RenniRucci #FuckEmUpSis #Gtfilms #Cascade #Atalnta #SouthCarolina

Legend of the YAMS
The “Legend of the YAMS” short film is based around Carolina innovators shinning a light on their city. Throughout this short film you...