Bowl King 8 for 8 Tour
Chicago artist Bowl King takes us on the road with him as he tours 3 major cities with Yo Gotti. That's right Bowl King had the...

Superwoman: Serena
Over the years we have witnessed Serena William's greatness on the court. The stamina, perseverance and tenaciousness that she displays,...

Mya "Team You"
Beautiful Mya lets her man know that all she wants is him in her latest single “Team You.” She doesn’t need or want anybody else, and...
J. Cole "No Role Modelz"
Reality tv is filled with talentless and clueless airheads who have become the role models for many girls. This means they are nothing...

Freeway Releases "Heaven"
Freeway’s health issues are well documented and he has now released a song speaking of all things he has had to endure. The Philly vet...

Chicago's Police Superintendent Fired
If there is a word for “beyond ridiculous” and “past insane” that would be the term to describe the streets of Chicago lately. Whether...