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Wale- The Pessimist

Wale’s new single, The Pessimist, has him collabing once again with J.Cole. And who drops a soulful hook better than Jermaine? In a song that is the third track on his soon to be released album, Wale captures a real spirit of hopelessness that most everyone can relate to. Wale explains that it’s difficult to not only have to fight the outsiders and those who don’t want to see us prosper, but to also have to fight our own people as well. Saying “Niggers worser than Zimmerman.”

With an IDGAF type of vibe, he speaks on the hardships of everyday living. “Got lint in my pocket again, fallin’ out with my friends again, got no gas in my tank again, an overdraft in my bank again. “Again” implying this is a constant struggle-living life. There are times when things seem to be going right, but inevitably they seem to end up bad “again.’”

But, it’s equally important that he finishes this song with the phrase-“Still I pray.” Can life feel hopeless at times? Yeah. But can things change with time? Yeah.

Wale’s, The Album About Nothing- which is inspired by Jerry Seinfeld-drops Tuesday March 31st.

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