New Music: Wale & Jeremih Release Friends-With-Benefits "On Chill" Single
The chemistry of Wale & Jeremih, on this record, is sure to make most listeners hope for a whole project from the duo. Jeremih kicks off...

New Music: Wale - "Gemini"
Wale has spent the last few days eluding to the release of his new single "Gemini" by posting pictures of celebrity gemini women like...
Tank "You Don't Know" ft Wale
In 2007, Sex, Pain and Love took home the Grammy for Best R&B album and Tank is hoping its sequel can do the same. SPL2 is due out this...
Wale- The Pessimist
Wale’s new single, The Pessimist, has him collabing once again with J.Cole. And who drops a soulful hook better than Jermaine? In a song...